A Visit with Friends


Hey everyone! 😀

Yesterday we went to visit some friends we haven’t seen since earlier this year. 🙂 In fact, here’s a blog post I wrote about last time we visited them! We had a very good time with them. 🙂

We brought and roasted hot dogs for lunch, which was fun!

Roasting Hot Dogs
The moms (and Gracie) talking.
A few of the little kids 😀

We got to ride horses! It was my first time really riding a horse. It was a blast!! (Yes, I woke up in the morning extremely sore, but… WORTH IT!) 😁 😂

We all enjoyed our time very much! 😀 And we got very sunburned! 😜 😂 (Again, worth it!) I’m very glad that we were able to go. 🙂

Rosy 🌹

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