A Visit with Friends


A couple days ago, on Tuesday, our family (Except Mom and Lizzie, who are currently in the States) went to some friend’s house several hours away. We left at around 9:30 in the morning and started by going to some stores to pick up lunch to take. (Hotdogs) We got to their house at about 12:00, and, after some visiting, had a small fire going outside (Outside was pretty much all there was since they hadn’t yet finished building their house). πŸ™‚


On our way πŸ˜€Β 

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Philip and I! ❀ 



I love this picture!!! ❀ 

There were a lot of kids, since they had 10, and we brought 8! (Out of 9) πŸ˜€ (Of all of which, I was the oldest.)



It’s hard to tell which kids are ours, and which aren’t. XDΒ 


Roasting hotdogs

After we ate, we roasted marshmallows, which was a lot of fun! πŸ™‚ (Partly because we could count on one hand how many store-bought marshmallows we’ve had in our life… Lol!) XD



I couldn’t decide which color I wanted… So… XDΒ 



Susy ❀ 


The dads πŸ™‚Β 

After we ate we played some games such as Mother May I? tag, and soccer. πŸ™‚ We had a great time with them! πŸ™‚

After we left there house we went to a church meeting in another little town not far from there. πŸ™‚ We arrived back home at around 7:00 in the evening, tired but happy. πŸ˜‰


p.s. this post turned out more like a journal entry, lol! XDΒ 

p.s.s. Dad was helping me think of a name for this post. He wasn’t very helpful. His ideas were Rosy’s Wonderful Day, and The Hotdog that got Bit (?)… I finally settled on my first idea, no matter how unoriginal it seemed… XDΒ 


About Rosy Marr 🌸

My name is Rosy Marr and I am 19 years old. I am a daughter of the King, and I love Jesus with all of my heart! Some of the things I love doing are practicing my art and photography skills, singing, playing instruments, blogging, writing letters, and more! My family is missionaries the Tarahumara Indians of Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua in Mexico. Please pray for us as we seek to serve the Lord in every aspect of our lives down here! :D https://linktr.ee/rosymarr

27 responses »

  1. Looks great! Haha, it’s fun being the oldest out of a bunch of kidsπŸ˜„πŸ‘ Ha! I like the name β€œthe hotdog that got bitβ€πŸ˜‚β€οΈ

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