Life as a Missionary Kid in Mexico


Hey guys! Hattush from Daughter of the Light interviewed me for a guest post on her blog. 😀 She asked a lot of great questions, especially about our family’s life and ministry here in Mexico. 🙂 Even though this was originally written for her blog, I thought I’d share it with you as well! 😀


  • Why did your family decide to go into missions?


Well, my mom’s parents were missionaries in Mexico when she was a girl, and my dad worked with my grandpa before he was married. My parents married in Mexico, and when I was 2 we moved to the States. My Dad wanted to get more training and church experience before going back to plant a church. And 4 and a half years ago, we did! 🙂 


Marr family, January 2019


  • What’s one of the funniest things that happened to you in Mexico?


I honestly have no idea about this question.  Ok, one funny/embarrassing thing that happened to me… Once when we first moved here, I was buying tortillas and asked for “flour” tortillas, but instead of using the word for flour, I accidentally used the word for um….. Urine. XD The lady was laughing and laughing, and I never knew until I told Dad about it!



  • What was the hardest to adjust to?


  1. The lack of Christian fellowship. This is something I really took for granted when we lived in the US. 
  2. Language! Moving to a country where you know almost nothing of the language was pretty rough. Almost 5 years later, I’m not as fluent as I would have hoped, but at least I can communicate some. 



  • Do you miss the US?


Yes, I do, very much. However, it has gotten easier as the years have gone by. I’m really learning to trust God with where He has placed me. I still miss my friends a lot, but the Lord is teaching me to be content. 



  • What’s the hardest thing about being a missionary kid?


Maybe the fact that most of my relationships are online-based since most of my friends live in the US, or other parts of Mexico. 

Rosy (17)


  • What is the most rewarding?


Just being right where God has placed us. Also, I love seeing God working in other people’s lives. 



  • What are your favorite things to do when you want to relax? 😛


Definitely doing art! There’s almost never a time when I don’t have some project or another going on! Next to that, it would be reading.


  • What is your favorite time of year?


That’s a hard one. XD There are pros and cons to every time of year. I love the summer. However in the summer electricity and internet are out almost more than they’re on, because of the rainy season. In the winter, at least we have electricity, but it’s SO cold, and I can’t say I really love the cold. All in all, I guess I’d have to say Summer because I love rain and thunder, even with the lack of internet. 😉 



  • What is the climate like?


Well, I sort of touched on this in the last question. 😉 Spring is actually the hottest time of year, though it rarely even hits 100 degrees which is super nice, especially after living in Phoenix, Arizona! (Where it gets to 120…) XD Summer is fun because it rains a lot and everything gets super green, which I totally love.  Fall is just fall, and then in Winter it gets SUPER cold (at least for us, after living in AZ). It snows, although not much, and one of the sad things about Winter is that I always have to wear shoes… XD 



  • What is something you want to say to other missionary kids?


I know it may be hard, but don’t get discouraged! It will get easier. When I accepted living here and surrendered to God, I was a lot happier with my life. Even though it’s still hard sometimes, and I miss my friends, I’m happy. 


  • What’s a fun fact that not many people know about you? 😉


   My sister Gracie and I are less than a year apart, and we are the same age for 12 days! 😀 


Gracie and I, 2019

Thanks for those awesome questions, Hattush! ❤ I really enjoyed answering them. (Love you!)

Hope you guys enjoyed reading a little bit about our life here, as missionaries in Mexico! 🙂 😀

~Rosy ❤ 

About Rosy Marr 🌸

My name is Rosy Marr and I am 19 years old. I am a daughter of the King, and I love Jesus with all of my heart! Some of the things I love doing are practicing my art and photography skills, singing, playing instruments, blogging, writing letters, and more! My family is missionaries the Tarahumara Indians of Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua in Mexico. Please pray for us as we seek to serve the Lord in every aspect of our lives down here! :D

39 responses »

  1. Great post! We were missionaries in Hungary for four and a half years (and came back to the states seven years ago), and believe me, we never became fluent in Hungarian (even though we listened to a couple Hungarian dialogue CDs probably a few hundred times) 😂. My mom was the one who probably knew the most. And I’ve forgotten almost all of what I knew. Just to give you an idea of how hard the language is, there are about four or five different greetings depending on who and how many people your talking to. (My brother once had a bit of an embarrassing incident regarding that.) (Oh, and people sometimes say, “hello” when they’re biding you goodbye.)
    😕 Sorry my comment is so long…. I can sometimes do that.

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  2. Pingback: The Food Award #2 – Spread the Word

  3. this is super cool! I have a friend who’s family does missionary work in Thailand, but I never knew too much about it. I can so relate with the online friends thing! After we moved out of the US, all of my friends shifted to online ones lol. It sucks because I eventually grew apart from the majority of them 😛 oh well!

    Liked by 2 people

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