Book Haul!

Book Haul!

Hey everyone!

I love books…. But I’ve literally never, EVER bought a book for myself. Like, ever. Until now.

I’ve always just read my family’s books, and have never lacked another book to read, and still don’t. (We have the equivalent of 10 bookshelves…) But there’s just something about OWNING a book…. It’s awesome.

Books are just to expensive to buy new, and I wasn’t willing to spend my life savings on one book. So I never did.


(That “however” is a very important part of this post.)

I recently found an online book store called ThriftBooks. There, I found a bunch of great books, many for only $4-5!!!!

*queue shocked gasps*

Of course, there were some more expensive then that. But the main books I wanted were around that price. And WOWWW, I’m just like…. I CAN FINALLY AFFORD BOOKS!!!!!!!

And I bought 7 books. For $26 dollars!! A pretty awesome deal for a little over a month’s “income”, if I do say so myself! 😂 😄

I really had to restrain myself to not buy more than 7. Talk about self-control, folks! LOL 😂

This is a picture representing my excitement, before I calmed down enough to take decent pictures…

Anyway, now that that rant is over, here are the books that I got. 😀

First, I got this little series by Jeri Massi. Some Through the Fire, and All Through the Blood. I’ve read several other good books by this author, so I’m excite for these! Plus, look how THICK they are!! 😍

Next, I’ve always wanted to read Little Women, but I haven’t yet. (Although I’m very familiar with the story.) However, it ended up being a condensed version for kids, which was a bit disappointing, but I’ll still enjoy reading it, lol! And it only cost like 3 dollars, so I’m not mad about it. 😉 I’ll probably buy the real one later though!

The last 4 books are ALL by Leslie and/or Eric Ludy. I love their books, and these were actually the original books I was going to buy. Her books are very encouraging and I’ve learned a lot from the ones I’ve read.

I am looking forward to reading this one the most probably. 😀

So yeah, those were the books I bought right there! I haven’t read any of them yet actually. They just came in the mail yesterday! (I was over the moon excited when I was opening them! XD) I can’t decide which to read first!!!!! #bookloverproblems 🤣

Ok, now, I wasn’t planning on buying any more books after having just bought those. But when I went to find the original Little Women (on another site similar to Thriftbooks) they gave me $5…. HOW CAN I PASS THAT UP?!?! So I bought the Little Women book, and then I threw in 2 Anne of Green Gables books. So I spent another $10. But for 3 books!!!!

My wallet is still recovering.


I can’t show you pictures of the actual books, because I uh, just bought them literally MINUTES ago, and for some reason, they haven’t come in the mail yet. But here’s the closest to a picture I have – a screenshot of the cart! 😂

(And yes, I know that those Anne books are not in order…. My sister said it would OK to not read them in order, and these are the ones she thought I’d like best. I’ve only read the first one so far. 😉 )

So yeah. I’m more than a little excited to read these books!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post!

OH, before I leave!!!! If you guys want to get cheap books from ThriftBook too, use THIS LINK to get 15% off, (and give me points toward a free book!!) 😀

~Rosy 💖 🌻

P.S. Have you guys read any of these? Have you ever bought from ThriftBooks?

Disclaimer: I can’t fully recommend these books as I haven’t read them yet, however all of these books I am either very familiar with, or trust the author. 🙂

About Rosy Marr 🌸

My name is Rosy Marr and I am 19 years old. I am a daughter of the King, and I love Jesus with all of my heart! Some of the things I love doing are practicing my art and photography skills, singing, playing instruments, blogging, writing letters, and more! My family is missionaries the Tarahumara Indians of Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua in Mexico. Please pray for us as we seek to serve the Lord in every aspect of our lives down here! :D

52 responses »

  1. Ohhh, I love the material from Erick and Leslie Ludy!! I’m excited for you to read those books. You will have to share with us what you learn!


    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love Thriftbooks! Between consignment shops, Thriftbooks, and eBay, I never buy books new. I’ve read two of the Ludy’s books, but I really want to read “Set Apart Feminity”. I enjoyed this post, Rosy!

    Liked by 2 people

    • YES! That’s awesome. It’s so much cheaper to buy books (and other things like clothes lol) used! Which of their’s have you read? Yes, I think that’s the one I’m excited for the most!
      Thank you Lilly, I’m so glad you enjoyed!!❤️😄

      Liked by 1 person

      • I read “The Set-Apart Woman”, “When God Writes Your Love Story”, “Authentic Beauty” and “The Lost Art of True Beauty”. Apparently our library system got more, because I just looked and they have titles I haven’t seen until now.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I LOVE ThriftBooks!! I just bought four books on there today, as a matter of fact. 😁
    Also, Little Woman is one of my favorites! If you like it, be sure to read Little Men and Jo’s Boys!! 😁😁

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Yes! Finally someone like me! I actually don’t remember ever buying a book either, Rosy! I feel like I should have, but I can’t remember ever actually buying one! They are just to expensive! I have a ton of books but they are mostly from my Mom when she was younger or given to me. But I will totally have to check this out! Thanks for letting us know about it! ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I respect people who can read and be excited about books. I struggle with attention. I do well to read blog posts. Lol… but I think it’s awesome you have the patience and excitement for reading. 🙂🤜

    Liked by 2 people

  6. That’s exciting, Rosy! A new chapter in your life! 😜 (I actually hadn’t quite intended for that to be a pun.)
    Ohh! My oldest sister has “Set Apart Feminity”. I haven’t read it (yet), though…there are so many other books I have to read! XD

    Liked by 2 people

    • COOL! Oh yes, the name of the second site is Book Outlet. It had a lot less good options then ThriftBooks, and hardly any Christian books that I could find, which was sad, so I like ThriftBooks a lot better. Except for Book Outlet gives you $5 when you sign up. SO AWESOME!
      Thank you for commenting! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I know!! Thrift Books is so amazing!!!!!! We always check there before buying any book new!! It’s a wonderful way for teens to buy books without breaking their wallet!! You should also check out I’m about to buy some books off there! Their prices are even sometimes cheaper than Thrift Books!!!! 😁🙌

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I stumbled upon Thrift Books a few weeks ago and it’s amazing from what I’ve seen! I absolutely enjoy the prices, so I plan to purchase some soon. I just got a boat load of books, so I’m good for now, but I have feeling that I’ll go through them pretty fast and want more. 😂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Oh, cool! I don’t read a lot of actual books (I just read them on my kindle 😂), but I’ll definitely keep thrift books in mind if I’m ever looking for an actual book! I haven’t read any of the ones you mentioned except Little Women! (Okay, I’m still in the process of reading that one, ha, ha) I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. *SCREAMS* THIS POST MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! That’s so cool that you were able to find so many awesome books for such a great price! AND THAT YOU NOW OWN YOUR OWN BOOKS! That’s so exciting!
    Happy reading!

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