March Recap


March was a long month… A lot of crazy stuff happened, as I’m sure you know! 😉 It wasn’t a bad month though. A lot of good things happened too! And I haven’t been bored even the tiniest little bit either…  XD


Yup. XD 

But yeah, boredom isn’t a thing for me. Life has been mostly normal for me personally, except for church. (So sad!!!)

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Gracie and I have a goal to walk 100 miles this Spring! 😀 

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My lil’ buddy ❤ ❤ ❤ 

James can do more pushups than I can, lol XD 


Yes, there’s still TP at the store here, lol… XD 



Mom had her 40th birthday this month! 😀

I organized bookshelves a couple days ago… Whew, that was quite a job! Lol! ;P 

I have also been doing a lot of art lately, and started learning to draw people, which has been lots of fun! 😀

2020-04-06 (1)

I drew this picture of my friend, Kyra! 😀

I also painted my sketchbook cover, and even though it could be better, I love how it turned out! 🙂 😀


Another exciting thing that happened this month was our church’s 4th anniversary! Well, technically it was last month, but we celebrated it this month, right before the quarantine started. 🙂 Here is our church picture (minus a couple families). 😉

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So yeah. It’s been a pretty good month for me, despite all the crazy stuff that’s been going on. 😀

And, I shall end this post, with this very deep and thought-provoking meme. (JK) XD

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Have fun at home, ya’ll!! 😉


P.S. I just realized I should do a post with the ultimate list of boredom busters and stuff. I never truly get bored, but I always love reading those anyway and trying out the ideas. What do y’all think? 🙂 


36 responses »

  1. Loved reading this post!! 😀 Your drawings are soooooo pretty, and that pic of you and your “little buddy” is adorable. 😍 I have a sister who does that to me all the time. XD Siblings are the best!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The first meme is so true 😂 everybody’s talking about being bored and I’m busier than ever XD and yes, even though I may not be able to use them till after graduation, boredom busters sound fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really liked this post! Sounds like you had a lot to do this month! Happy birthday to your mother, and congratulations on your church’s 4th anniversary!!🥳 Ha, ha! It seems Mexico is really cranking out the TP over there! 😆 And that meme at the end is pretty hilarious! But it may come down to that. 🤔Hope you have a great day!! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love recaps. XD I love the drawings and the pictures. *heart eyes* and the cover of your sketch book turned out so pretty!
    Haha, love the TP meme! XD XD Whoa, I can’t believe that your stores still have TP. Ours don’t….XD

    Liked by 2 people

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  6. Great recap! It seems like you had a great March…you know, aside from everything else. 😉 Surprisingly, I haven’t been bored during this time either! I have been able to do so many things that I normally cannot do! Ooo, a post with a list of boredom busters would be neat!

    Liked by 2 people

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