Tag Archives: Jesus

Life is a Gift


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There is a special gift that God has given us. A gift that, once lost, can never be regained.

It’s called life.

We don’t deserve it. We didn’t even do anything to earn it. But He gave it to us.

The question is, what are we going to do with it?

How are we going to live our lives?

We could just live for ourselves. Just chill and relax. Do whatever you want. Don’t worry about what might happen to us when life on earth is over. The easy way. But would you really be happy?


Or we could choose to live life for Christ! Serve Him and give Him Glory for all that He has done! Give our lives to Him, and let Him lead. Trust and Obey. I guarantee that that’s the only thing that will give you true happiness.

But not only did God give us life. He gave us Hope.

He gave us the very greatest gift of all time!

His own son, Jesus!

God sent his son down to this earth, to pay for our sins. To give us hope for a life with Him.

Have you given your heart to Jesus? Trusted Him to save you from your sins?

Some may say, “Well, I’ll do it later,” or, “There’s still plenty of time to make that decision. No hurry!”

But no!

You never know when it will be too late! Our life is but a vapor – only God knows how long it will last.

As for man, his days are like grass;
he flourishes like a flower of the field;
for the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
and its place knows it no more.

Psalm 103:15-16

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Live your life for Christ!


You are my All in All

You are my All in All

Jesus should be our everything. He should be, without exception, our all in all. Our hearts should be bursting with praise and gratitude to Him!

He should be our King of kings, Lord of lords and God of gods! The question is, do we have anything in our life that is taking that away from us? Anything that is coming between us and our relationship with the Lord? If there is, we want to do all we can to rid ourselves of whatever that is. Then Jesus can truly be our all in all!


~Rosy Joy

P.S. Stay tuned for a committee story soon! As soon as I think of a good starter… 😉

Merry Christmas + New Year Resolutions!

Merry Christmas + New Year Resolutions!

Merry Christmas, everybody! It’s so hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone, and it’s seriously ALMOST 2019!!!!! Wow wow wow. I hope that none of us were at all distracted from the true reason we celebrate Christmas – Our Lord Jesus Christ! 😀

Aaaand, here are some pictures from our Christmas… And a video!!!

Video Credits: Music by the Wissman Family, taken from their Christmas Album.

Thanks to my Dad, my brother Andy, and sister Gracie for taking some of the videos so that I could actually be in some of them. . 😛

And now for a few goals for 2019!

My goal:


Haha, just kidding!!! (Though that might be slightly true in some cases… 😛 )

  • Read through the whole Bible.
  • Keep track of every single book I read.
  • Read 50 books. (Guys, that seems like a lot, I know, but that’s only 1 book a week!!!)
  • Read 15 “New” books. (Books I’ve never read before.)
  • Write at least 5 new short stories, and finish the novella I’m currently slowly  working on.
  • Finish at least one and a half grades of school.
  • Grow my blog. 😀
  • Grow in my relationships with 1) The Lord. 2) My family. 3) My friends
  • Learn more Spanish. this is also taking so looooong!!!!!! xD
  • Live up to my middle name – Joy! 😛
  • Learn to be more content with where the Lord has placed me.
  • Be more consistent with journaling.
  • Try to get, and STAY more organized. 😉
  • Learn to use my time more wisely.
  • And be thankful for another year the Lord has given us!

Oh, and here’s a poll. I want to know what kind of posts you want to see form me in 2019! SO please, please vote!!!! I would greatly appreciate it!!! (If you’re reading this in your WP reader, you may not be able to see the poll, so you might have to actually go to my blog.)

So, merry Christmas everyone and happy almost new year!!! I hope you are having a great day so far. 🙂


Let’s Talk!

How was your Christmas?

Do you have any specific goals for 2019?

What’s your middle name?